Spectres and Sorcerers


Rhigas artiste peintre: Thème spectres et sorciers

Un rituel


Rhigas artiste peintre: Thème spectres et sorciers

Etrange rencontre


Spectres and Sorcerers

The sorcerer is endowed with an involuntary psychic power linked to a physical ability. The use of withchraft creates an atmosphere of strangeness. I render this atmosphere by deviating from the usual « solar » tones. I create dusk and twilight these ephemeral moments when tones attract one another, by pushing the intensity of the colours in their relation to one another. The drawing also contributes to building the strange atmosphere by departing from realism.

However, in « Etrange rencontre » that takes place on a cold spring morning, I attempt to achieve a similar result by using a different method.